Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 17: Travel to Outdshoorn

I'm happy to say that this will be my last night in a tent!!  But not so happy because that means the trip is getting close to the end :( I have enjoyed camping but really looking forward to a real bed and even more to sleeping in my own!! :)

A bit a bad luck for the guides this morning... Their bags were stolen in the night.  We made a quick stop at Jaco's house so he could pick up a few things.  Was cool to see where he grew up and meet his parents.

Another fun stop! ;) We pulled over to check out a nice view and one of the batteries on the truck blew up!! 

First activity today was the ostrich farm... I got to ride one... Crazy!! :)

Check out the little ones... So cute!

Last activity today was the caves.  I did the adventure tour (hopefully you don't expect anything less ;) We got to go into a very massive cave.  In one of the cambers they use to have concerts.  Then the adventure started... We had to climb through holes and squeeze through small openings and slide down one section head first, where the guide caught us... Good times!!

Now at camp just enjoying some much needed down time!  Tomorrow we have a long drive to Cape Town where more fun will begin :D

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