Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 14: Travel to Tsitsikamma


As all of the other days... Up early for breakfast and then into the truck.

Had a great stop in Jeffreys Bay at SuperTubes beach. Finally an awesome day for the beach and some more shell hunting :) Billabong has a surf competition here every year.

Now heading to Face Adrenalin for the bungee jump!!

That's 708 feet!

Three of us jumped... All first timers... Super cool!!







Wait for it.... Wait for it... 

5...4...3...2...1... Bungee!!! :)

Are you wondering if I went twice and if I'm crazy??  Yes and I think everyone already knows I'm a bit crazy for adrenalin :)

Holy OMG Freaking Stupendous!!!! I just had to do it twice. Forward the first time and backwards the second time... Woot!!! Pictures and video when I get home.  The first time I was so nervous standing on the edge and I screamed all the way down.  On the second jump I just smiled :D

Now to the campsite for some planning of the activities tomorrow and some drinks to celebrate the jumpS :)

The camp has the cutest little critters called Rock Hybex.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes you are crazy....but I already knew that! ;) So glad you are having an amazing time! Can't wait to hear all about when you finally get back!
