Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 16: Travel to Knysna

Started today with a 5am, three hour hike to a very pretty waterfall.

On the drive to Knysna, we stopped at Monkeyland.  They have a huge natural forest where they take in monkeys that people can not care for any longer.  There are 11 different types of monkeys and some with the cutest little babies :)

Before going to camp we stopped by Knysna Heads to check out the water.

And some ice cream :D

A sad day for South Africa, Nelson Mandella died. After setting up camp we took a walk to the water front for a drink. On the way we observed a moment of silence for their great leader.  A military school by the water had the flag at half mast and everyone was at attention.

Burgers and fries for dinner and off to bed.

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