Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 6: Travel to South Africa

The theme continues with early mornings... Breakfast at 5am!! Had to get an early start because the Zimbabwe/South African border can take forever to cross.

Another very long and bumpy ride to the border and we were really lucky, only took about 30 minutes to get across :)

We then headed to the next town to get lunch and some snacks for the next two days.... And some South African cider!

Arrived at the campsite, it is so nice!!  Four different pools all with different temps.  They have cute little mongoose here!

I also got a picture of Pumba (on the real camera).  He was not too far from the campsite... That is the warthog from The Lion King, just in case no one knows what I'm talking about ;)

We had another great dinner by the fire then headed to the pools for a bit.  There is currently a bit of a thunder storm going on... Sitting in the tent as it thunders and lightenings!

Off to bed to get ready for another alpine start tomorrow!!

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