Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 5: Rhino Walk and Bushman Cave Art

Best day ever!!! :D

We got to sleep in today.. Breakfast at 8. I was told this won't happen again!! ;)

We are headed out to stalk some rhinos. Not guaranteed but we were told we could get pretty close to them... About 5 meters away!  I'm sun screened up and ready to go!!!

First we saw two rhinos, mom and baby. The guide apologized for not getting us closer, they were a little freaked.  Seriously, this is really close... Maybe 40-50 yards.

Back to the land rover and headed to eat lunch the a hike up a mountain.  Half way up we stopped by a cave to see the Bushman drawings.

We then headed up to the top of the mountain for an awesome view!!

And ginger beer is awesome!  Kinda like root beer but ginger :)

We also stopped by a village where the kids were dancing for us.  We got to see inside their village kitchen.  Each building has it's own purpose.  In their culture, they havire than one wife an have to buy her.  It is a status symbol to have lots of wives!  This is where they cook their food, a hole in the ground in the middle of the circular building.

On the way back to camp we tried once more to see some rhino... This time we got about 20 feet away from another mom and baby.  With my other camera, I was so close I had to zoom out to get the whole rhino in the pic!!!

Ian was our guide for the day... He was fantastic!! He was very passionate about the rhino and the bushmen.  I really learned a lot on day 5 :)


  1. Looks like you are having the most amazing time!! All of this looks so cool and you still have so much to do. Glad to finally hear from you, 3 more days and we were sending someone in :) Can't wait to see what else you are going to do.

    1. Very cool angie so glad your having a trip of a life time ...tske care

  2. I can't believe they can have multiple wives in Africa, I thought that was just a middle east thing.

    Your tour guide is adorable too. :)
