Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 2: Travel to Livingstone, Zambia

Standing in line for customs/passport processing in Johannesburg.  About 9 am here but 2am in Atlanta.  Think that ambien really helped, feeling pretty good right now.  Have about 2 hours before the next flight to Livingstone, Zambia.

Slept a little on the way to Livingstone.  The pilot said we were going to be able to see Victoria Falls but I totally missed it.  All I saw was brown dirt :| 

Made it through immigration and customs into Livingstone and found my G Adventures driver who got me to the Zambezi Waterfront Hotel.  

Check out my tent!

Now I'm waiting for 3:00 so I can catch a cab to Devil's Pool on the top of Victoria Falls (that will be separate Day 2 post ;).  Since I'm waiting... Might as well try the local beer :D

Oh! Don't feed the monkeys!!  They are all over our campsite.

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